Thursday, May 27, 2010

Grand Canyon

Today we returned to the Grand Canyon. Yesterday we saw the canyon as the sun was setting. Today we saw it midday. It was as spectacular as last night. We took the shuttle bus to the most western point of the viewing area, Hermits Rest. The sights were amazing and we were in awe of the scenery. Looking at the Colorado River, one mile down from the crest, that for eons has been cutting a path through the canyon, we could hardly comprehend what took place and still continues today. The river looked liked a little trickle, but it is on average 300 feet wide.

The first picture is that of the Colorado River one mile down. The other pictures are two of the many canyon scenes we saw today. Those of you who have visited the canyon can understand the incredible feeling one gets when taking in the wonder of God's great earth.

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