Sunday, June 13, 2010

Sault Ste Marie Locks

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Another travel day today, from Eagle River, WI to Sault Ste Marie (SSM), MI. Again we had straight secondary open roads with little traffic. I had researched the locks at SSM on the internet the night before and found a 2 hour boat tour that left at 3:30 PM. We were able to catch this tour and had a great time. There is a 21 foot drop in water height from Lake Superior to Lake Huron. The St Mary's River connects the two and a portion of it is used to operate four locks within the US, the longest being 1200 feet. Canada also has locks, but they are not operating due to budget constraints we were told. Our locks are totally free for any ship or even a small boat. In the third picture note the two small boats along the left side of the lock wall that had entered the lock before us (double click on the picture). They and we had to be tethered to the wall with ropes from above so as not to move around in the lock while the water is being lowered or raised. Also note the green light on the left side of the lock entrance meaning it is OK to enter the lock. In that same picture look in the upper left. See the people above the two little boats? These are viewing stands at the visitors center were you can watch the boats going through the locks.

The water is moved in and out of the locks purely by gravity, no mechanical means is required, i.e. no pumps. It takes 10-15 minutes to raise or lower the water in the lock. Our 2 hour trip lasted longer because of the hold up going through the locks. Two large ships were going through locks #1 & #2 at the same time we were there.

This area has three hydroelectric plants. Canada, US and a smaller one used to operate the locks. The bridge in the distance in the third picture is the International Bridge between the US and Canada. The picture of the big manufacturing plant is that of the largest steel plant in Canada. It produces 720 different types of steel. The picture of the Studebaker is at a restaurant in SSM suggested by a Kings Point friend who used to frequent the place when he worked in the upper peninsula 10-12 years ago. We had supper there and I had the German omelet that he had highly recommended. It was very good.

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