Friday, June 18, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Friday, June 18, 2010

We made it to 130 Whitten Road, (see picture #1). Having been 36 days on the road visiting 19 national parks, we are ready to relax for a while. All is well here in Maine. Although it was hot here today, 88°F, there was a north breeze and when we opened the house it was actually cool inside.

We traveled 9,535 miles which I figure amounts to approximately 350 gallons of gas, at a cost of from $2.73 to $3.35/gal, (I use premium gas). I have the exact figures, but I'm too tired to work them out tonight. I've had a long day, driving to Maine and then having to open up the house. From the pictures you can see that Eleanor's gardens are somewhat overgrown, but the flowers along the garage are doing nicely. They need some TLC and weeding. Tomorrow it's back to Ellsworth to load up on food for us and the birds as well as garden supplies and flowers to fill all those window boxes and other flower containers.

I hope all of you who followed us around the US on our trip had a good time. We sure did. It was an experience we will not forget. I would recommend a trip like this for anyone. America is a beautiful country and there are a lot of fascinating places to visit and explore. We could have done more and maybe sometime we will. In the meantime we have memories we will treasure.

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