Today we arrived at Carlsbad Caverns around noon having driven from Amarillo. The caverns were spectacular. We decided to walk the 750 ft descent via a winding path rather than taking the elevator. Once we reached the bottom of the "Big Room" we walked a little over 2.0 miles around the caves. In all we spent about 4 hours in the caverns. The caverns were cool while outside the temperature reached 95°. I won't put a lot of pictures on the blog, but will bore you with them when we meet again. Needless to say you must put these caverns on your bucket list.By the way, they do not allow anyone to walk back up the equivalent of a 75 story building and no one complains about taking the elevator!
The narrow white column in the center of the photo to the left is comprised of a stalagtite (from above) joining a stalagmite (from the bottom). The white to its right is covered with "popcorn".
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